According to BC Parks, you should never feed a bear. Feeding a bear conditions them to seek food from humans and lose their natural fear.
Food conditioned bears become a threat as they roam in search of an easy meal.
Campers should reduce or eliminate any odours that could potentially attract bears. At a campground, store food in airtight containers in an RV or car trunk or if bear caches are available they must be used.
Store all garbage securely making sure it is out of reach of bears.
Only paper and wood should be burned as plastics, tinfoil, and food items do not burn completely and the remains will attract bears, not to mention it is environmentally unfriendly.
BC Parks also recommends cooking and eating well away from your tent and cleaning up utensils and plates immediately. Never leave cooking utensils, coolers, grease or dish water lying around.
Dispose of dish water by straining it and then throwing it into a gray water pit or pit toilet. Solids should be packed out with the garbage.
The odours of cosmetics, toothpaste and insect repellent can also attract bears and should be stored out of reach with your food and garbage, never in a tent and any strongly perfumed items should be left at home.
Diligence must also be taken in residential areas. The most effective way to prevent conflicts with bears in urban areas is to put away attractants such as garbage, bird seed, compost and fruit.
Tips areas include securing garbage in the house, garage or shed until pick up day.
Pick ripe and fallen fruit daily and remove any unused fruit trees. Use bird feeders only in winter and keep the ground free of seeds and nuts and clean the barbecue grill after each use, then store it in a secure area.
Bring in pet food dishes inside and never add meat products or uncooked food to compost.
When fishing it is also important to remember that fish smells are a strong attractant for bears. Do not store food or bait in a tent.
Bleed and clean your catch in a stream or lake and not at your campsite.
Throw all offal into deep or fast moving water and remember to wash your hands.