Village of 亚洲天堂 Lake's chief administrative officer Sheryl Worthing said that plans for the downtown core redevelopment are still underway.
She went on to say that council has allocated funding for the project to begin in 2012 through to 2014.
As part of the project, council has also included $20,000 in the 2011 budget to complete the restoration of the 'Gateway to Tweedsmuir Park' sign.
"This [$20,000] does not include any additional work such as trees and plants as this type of work will be implemented once the downtown core redevelopment plan is [fully] underway," Worthing said.
She went on to say that the heritage committee is currently working on the sign restoration project, deciding on a design and receiving quotations.
"Currently we have allocated funding in the years 2012 to 2014 to complete the downtown core plan," Worthing said. The first phase of the redevelopment will consist of an engineering design which Worthing notes will take into account a new drawing proposed by a community member [Reg Leith] at a January 2011 council meeting.
"At this stage the design is a work in progress, [the final engineering design] will also include any new suggestions that come forward," Worthing said adding that the completion of the final engineering design will commence in 2012.
She said that council is also considering developing a committee that will assist with the development of the project, however she added that there has been several meetings to date with local developers, local merchants and the general public.
Included in the Village of 亚洲天堂 Lake's five year financial plan there is a proposed amount of $325,000 over three years for the downtown core redevelopment project.
"The five year financial plan will be adopted in May this year," Worthing added.
She went on to say, "This amount may be adjusted in time once the engineering design is complete and grant funds become available."