The new truck and a number of bins arrived in 亚洲天堂 Lake on Jan. 13, 2011 and the works crew are now trying out the new style bins at several businesses across town on a trial basis.
According to Sheryl Worthing, village director of financial services and soon to be chief administrative officer, some local residents will also be issued with the new cans in order to participate in the trial.
The village received a total of 43, 90 gallon cans with the truck as well as seven 65 gallon cans. The larger capacity bins are designed for businesses while the smaller for residents.
Worthing said the trial will be conducted over the next two months. Following this the works crew will then report to council outlining their recommendations for the best possible options for the acquisition and distribution of the bins.
She went on to say that ideally all local residents and businesses would eventually have the bins however it was yet to be determined how they would be distributed and also how the cost of the bins would be recovered from residents and businesses.
"There may be an option for people to purchase the bins from the village," she said.
During last week's Village of 亚洲天堂 Lake council meeting the works crew demonstrated how the new cans work in conjunction with the new truck, saying to councillors that not only have the cans that are currently in use cut their time in half, but are also less physically demanding meaning that staff will potentially suffer less injuries and wear and tear to their bodies from the repetitive motions of picking up thousands of local garbage cans.
The cans are able to be wheeled over to the truck, hooked on and the crew member operates a lever which lifts the can up and tips its contents into the truck then places the empty can back down on the ground.
The truck was ordered on April 21, 2010, costing a total of $219,755 excluding taxes and was budgeted for by council as part of the 2010 capital works budget, as well as capital reserve funds.
Ten cans have already been distributed to the Lakes District Hospital, on to the Village of 亚洲天堂 Lake municipal office, eight to the Pines, two to Moonlight Automotive, two to Mulvaney's, 10 to the Lake View Mall, one to Andy's Machine, two to Tiretech and a further five are set to be delivered to Tweedsmuir House.
"The remainder of the cans will be distributed once the crew has analyzed specific areas of need," Worthing said to Lakes District 亚洲天堂.
"The crew are really enjoying the new truck and what it can do," she said to council.
She went on to say that the crew no longer have to touch the garbage at the businesses that are participating in the trial. "This is making the job much safer, especially when picking up garbage from the hospital."
Councillor Eileen Benedict said she thought the cans are great. "This is something positive for the community and it also increases the safety of the crew," she said."
The public works crew report is expected to come back to council within two months at which time a decision will be made.
Worthing said to Lakes District 亚洲天堂 that the village will be selling the old garbage truck on B.C. Auction.
"Staff will start the process within the next two weeks and proceeds from the old truck will go towards capital reserves," she added.
The District of Houston have previously implemented the same style of garbage can [calling them toter carts] and offer Houston residents the chance to purchase a 64 gallon bin for $110. Second hand cans can also be purchased from the district at a cost of $60. Houston residents that participate in the program receive a $30 year break off the district's garbage pick up rate per year.
District of Houston staff say the intention is to have all homeowners using a toter cart by 2013 when it will become compulsory. If Houston homeowners don't have a toter cart in place by 2013 their garbage will not be picked up, or will be billed at a higher fee.