As the second wave of COVID-19 continues to test the medical system; we kindly remind you to do your part: Wash your hands; Keep your distance, mask when keeping distance is not possible; and avoid large gatherings.
Consider this, if you are inadvertently exposed to COVID, how many names will you have to give to a contract tracer to track down? Is it six? Or 60?
We also want to remind you that we are here to provide you with care. All physicians and nurse practitioners are seeing patients: by phone; virtual face-to-face (ZOOM); and, if we deem it necessary, and with all precautions to keep you safe, in person at some of our clinics.
Please do not avoid seeking care. If you are experiencing chest pains, shortness of breath, you must present to the Emergency Department for assessment.
Now is not the time to postpone important screening for cancer: cervical, colorectal, mammography, etc. It is important to keep up to date with screening. As part of your chronic disease management, please ensure you maintain routine blood testing, every precaution is being taken to keep you safe when you visit our laboratory.
This year we strongly encourage you to get an influenza immunization. Flu shots are available from your care provider, pharmacies, and watch for public clinics. We all play a role in preventing illness to minimize the burden to our hospital and health care providers.
If you have COVID symptoms, please book an appointment with your most responsible provider, amily doctor or nurse practitioner or call 1-844-645-7811. Register online, you will need personal health number, with BC Centre for Disease control to have your results texted to you, or call 1-833-707-2792, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., seven days a week. Expect call volume to be high in the mornings.
Please, be safe and wash your hands.
Dr. Chris Annandale, Beth Berlin, NP, Dr. Jaya Bastedo, Dr. Deon Botha, Dr. Loren Caira, Shawna Glassel, NP, Dr. Mike Graetz, Dr. James Liu, Dr. Lwando Nogela, Dr. Greg Norman, Dr. Chris Okebie, Dr. John Pawlovich, Dr. Bryan Skrenes, and Dr. Tammy Williams, Chief of Staff.