Recently a friend advised me they had noticed my photograph in the Lakes District , Sept. 23, 2020 issue with the caption “Tom Woodall - Catch of the Week”, sponsored by Woods N Water.
I don’t know who would have forwarded you the photo for publication but this would explain the sudden influx of emails, texts, and telephone calls I have been receiving from many single ladies in the Lakes District area since that time. As a result this has caused some friction around the house with my wife.
I have assured her that the reference of “Catch of the Week” must surely have been to that of the fish I was holding in the photograph, and not myself, an honest mistake, however unlikely that may seem, and the many callers were too, simply mistaken.
Henceforth, to help smooth things over at home here I wanted to add a little clarification in your newspaper along those same lines, that the “Catch of the Week” was indeed meant to be that of the fish and not me.
Hopefully that will also help stem the flow of calls to the house.
Thank you in advance.
Tom Woodall